We welcome you and are looking forward to meeting you! Our registration form can be downloaded here. Complete the form and schedule an appointment to meet with the pastor. Appointments can be scheduled by calling the main office at 973-884-1986.
Arrange a Baptism
Baptisms are individual by family. Parents should call the parish office for open dates at least a month before arrangements are made, also leaving time for at least one Baptism preparation session. One godparent must be a confirmed Catholic and, if from outside the parish, must provide a certificate of good standing from their home parish.
For adult baptisms, please see the RCIA program below.
Register for Religious Formation
The religious education program is for children in Grade 1 through Grade 9. This includes registration for First Holy Communion (second grade) and Confirmation (grades eight and nine).
Click here to register for Religious Formation, Grade 1 through Grade 7. Click here to register for Religious Formation, Grade 8 and Grade 9.
Click here for the 2024-2025 Religious Formation schedules.
Offer Mass Intentions and/or Dedicate the Sanctuary Lamp
Please e-mail or call the parish office ([email protected]) and drop off or mail a corresponding donation to:
St. Ann Church 781 Smith Road Parsippany, NJ 07054
Register for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)/Adult Confirmation
The RCIA formation program culminates in Baptism at the Easter Vigil. It is for those who have never celebrated Christian baptism. Programs are also available for those who were baptized in another Christian faith and wish to become Catholic. Similarly, they would make a profession of faith and be Confirmed at the Vigil or sometimes during the Easter Season.
Preparations should being at least a year before the wedding (check date availability with the office). We recommend that at least one of those looking to get married, or your family should be a registered parishioner and one of your witnesses must be a confirmed Catholic with a certificate of good standing from their home parish, if other than Saint Ann.
As a couple, you are required to participate in two Pre-Cana courses at St. Paul Inside the Walls in Madison. Information on those sessions can be found under the Family Life tab on St. Paul’s website (insidethewalls.org).